Friday, February 26, 2010

Butch & Sundance

Last Saturday I turned on the TV and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was on. The girls were all in the living room, and they asked, "What's this movie about?" I was looking at the guide thinking about what to watch.... "Oh it's about these 2 robbers, thieves actually...."
The scene was playing above where Newman and Redford are about to jump into a running waterfall, it was literally only on for a few minutes before I changed the channel. Maylin, who is my quietest child, looked over at me, and asked, "Mom, are all thieves handsome?"

Um, she's 4.

Her comment must mean one of three things, either:
a. She's freakishly observant or....
b. Redford and Newman were extraordinarily good looking in that movie (we're talking Dan level people) ..... or
c. I should be worried, because she's probably going to be inexplicably drawn to criminals later on in life.

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm going with the first option. She'll probably work for the CIA or something and use her keen powers of observation to fight terrorists, and this in no way implies to me that she'll be at all prematurely boy-crazy like her mother was, I mean, like I've heard some people may have been when they were in junior high.


Beth said...

LOL! Would have loved to seen the expression on your face when she said that...even better, Dan's face!

Jen said...

That girl is wise. If only I had possessed that kind of discerning taste when I was young... perhaps the Jerry Lambert phase could have been avoided.

Lucia Leaman said...

This is very cute.

Edwards Family said...

makes me thankful that none of the backyardians are good looking. I'll remember to enjoy that for a couple more years.