Monday, May 3, 2010

The Binky Fairy Strikes Again

Soo, I'm one of those moms that bases a large portion of my parenting successes and failures on how accessible the nearest "binky" is in my house. But alas, my days of raising babies are gradually transitioning into a new stage of life, as my youngest is just weeks away from her 3rd birthday. And so the time has come yet again, to have a visit from the binky fairy. We did this with the twins, we told them that we would put all the binkies on the porch, and that while they were sleeping the binky fairy would come and collect their binkies for the tiny new babies that needed them, and replace their well-worn, disgusting pacifiers with some sort of "big girl" treat.

Well, we decided to try this whole charade yet again for Morgan, and so Friday night, Dan and I split up, he took Morgan and Maylin to Home Depot, I took Lorelei and Noelle to Target to find some sort of "big girl" toy for Morgan. Naturally, I had to explain what I was doing in the toy aisle to Lorelei and Noelle. The thought hadn't occurred to me that this would alter their universe. It was like the truth dawned on the two of them at once, "Why are you buying a toy for the binky fairy..... wait ARE YOU the BINKY FAIRY?" Lorelei looked at me, "Does this mean you're the tooth fairy too?"

Ahh man. I may as well buy them all ipods and let them get emancipated now, their childhood has ended. Pretty soon they're going to realize I don't actually know EVERYTHING, and then I'm really in trouble.

Needless to say, Morgan's now binky-free. But she's suffering more withdrawal symptoms than any of the others did. It's really sad, and not just for her....


stephanie said...

wanna know what's even more sad?

a child who never took a binky to begin with and has therefore cried for 19 months and 23 days since.

but hey, hope morgan adjusts quickly, for everyone's sake. :)

Sara said...

Sooo funny!

And now you'll enter into the next stage, when they know all along who the fairies really are, but just pretend not to, to preserve our "innocence". ;)

Beth said...

aahahhahaha...I only laugh because Matt won't slow down enough to even notice a 'fairy.' And I still have some time with Becca. But my day will come I'm sure :D