Monday, February 1, 2010

TMC Alum Updates

So, one of the things I love about the internet is that it enables you to stay involved in your friends lives without actually living near them or even seeing them for years at a time. Last year, I stayed in touch with my college friend Jennene (who sang at my wedding, was a fellow English major, did student teaching with me, and was basically rilly, rilly cool) and her battle with cancer, and now via internet, I discover that (now that she has fully recovered) she and her husband are adopting, check out her blog (The Margrave family) , and keep them in your prayers.

And speaking of prayers, my former TMC roommate, Heidi, could use some prayer too. She has 2 daughters and is pregnant now with a baby boy. Her 2nd daughter, Judah, was born very premature (at 26 weeks) and I blogged about that, and by God's grace and the miracles He provides through modern day medicine, her baby is healthy and thriving today. Now she is 24 weeks pregnant this time around and having a really tough pregnancy. If you think of her, pray that she is able to stay pregnant and not go into labor anytime soon. As all of you moms know, every extra week in the womb can be vital.


Sandhya said...

I'll be praying for Heidi and her little guy!

Jamie said...

Hi Christina, We went to tmc together and you probably remember I was really good friends with your cousins growing up (the ingrams). I check out your blog every now and then because we have so many of the same blogging friends and I love how you write. i thought it was about time I said hello, so HELLO! i love that you have alum updates. it's really cool that we are all a part of a big family after going to tmc together. this is turning into a novel of a comment but oh well. lastly, your sister beth rocks! Will you tell her hi for me. How in the world she is not snatched up by a godly guy is beyond me. :)

Sara said...

I remember Jennene. When we lived in the bay I reconnected with her over one summer but haven't seen her since. I'm so glad to hear she is doing well!