Monday, May 4, 2009


For about a year now, I have been preparing and re-preparing ideas for this past week. Why the mania? You ask, because on Wednesday, April 29th, Dan turned the big 4-0! I've felt so much pressure to make this week perfect for him. I brainstormed party ideas, trip ideas, dinner ideas, house ideas, robbing a bank ideas, and finally, I have to say it all came together, and was indeed Dan's best birthday ever!

Last Sunday night, we went to dinner with the Stimers, and there we told him that for his bday he would get 2 days off. Then I showed him the gift certificate that said what he would be doing for those 2 day: Paragliding! So here's the rundown of the week:

Sunday: dinner & surprise about the flight class
Wednesday: actual bday, barbecue with the neighbors who got him a wetsuit (see above)
Thurs/Fri: paragliding class
Saturday: Surprise Again! My sister Bethie came to watch the kids overnight, and we got
to have a 24 hour date in Pasadena, which was beautiful, and so much fun, and the first
1st night we've spent away from all 4 kids in 2 years!

In all, the week was awesome. I really wanted it to be special for Dan, and he loved the paragliding so much. (I knew he would). Ultimately, I just wanted him to have a fun week because he does so much for us as a family. He takes care of 5 little women, and let me tell you there aren't a lot of breaks for the guy. Going to work is probably much easier than being at home with us trying to give us all attention and love, and trying to fix up an old house all by himself, and never complaining. Basically, I love the guy, but I'm usually reluctant to admit all the mushy stuff, because well, I don't want to brag and make everyone else feel bad about their husbands.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Dan, we love you, and remember, 40 is so the new 30. You're just getting started, plus you've got a young trophy wife on your arm, so you don't even need to have a mid-life crisis!


Sara said...

Bravo Christina,

You did a GREAT job for such a memorable birthday! :) What a great week.

I don't know how you guys do it-the whole getting older w/o looking like it bit. Crazy.

Oh, and I love the pic of Dan in the wetsuit. The perfect example of what a good sport he is! :) What a great family you have there...

Sandhya said...

Happy Birthday Dan! Wow...40! Sounds like it was a great week and the paragliding looks like a blast...something my husband would have LOVED! Enjoy the decade ahead of you!

Unknown said...

Great job on the gifts, Christina!! Happy Birthday, Dan!

stephanie said...

happy birthday, dan!

and awesome pic in the wetsuit.

AmyLeite said...

Happy 40th Dan! Christina, great job on the birthday plans. Athletic/exciting and romantic - perfect! I hope you don't mind if my husband steals your exact plans in a few years for my 40th!

Jennene said...

A fun read! Happy b-day to Dan! 40 is TOTALLY the new 30. Loved the "trophy wife" bit. And thanks for trying to be so modest about your great husband. I love it when a wife wants to brag more but has to hold back -- too great. :)

Unknown said...

GREAT job!
noooow, here's my favorite part of that post... Dan in a wetsuit in the kitchen blowing out candles... totally bizarro...and TOTALLY awesome!
I miss you guys!

Leaman said...

Wow! Christina, you made me feel like a bum brother after all you did for Daniel's birthday. Good thing he has a thoughtful wife to make up for his family. He deserves it. Happy 40th brother,
Doug and Leah