Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How do you spell Karaoke?

So last night we had a send off for one of our military wives, Mandy, who is leaving us to go to Sunny Seattle. (What? I'm trying to be optimistic for her). Anyway, it was a super fun pajama/karaoke/dance party. There's nothing like seeing a bunch of moms act like crazy teenagers. It reminds me of the fact that I'm so not a fun person. In my defense, let me say this, I realized what separates people into two different categories: Those who love karaoke, and those who prefer to sit on the sidelines and watch others enjoy it; it's this - the people who like karaoke can actually carry a tune. Duh, I mean if I wasn't completely tone deaf, I'd be the first one to grab the mike, but it's not fun if you're the worst singer ever in the history of the universe, come on. The girls that rocked out last night were the ones that could've been American Idol contestants for Pete's Sake. I know that the reason the Lord gave me a terrible voice is because I would've been so obnoxious if I could sing. I'd make everyone listen to me belt out Celine Dion numbers, and I'd throw myself on top of pianos for dramatic effect. It wouldn't have been pretty. It's for the best that I can't tell the difference between Josh Groban and Brittany Spears, seriously they both sound fine to me.

Anyway, we'll miss our friend Mandy being at church. She's so funny and full of mischief. It was good to have an artsy free spirit in our no drum playing, hymn-singing midst!

Meanwhile, the beat goes on around here. Please note, I cut my hair all off last Thursday in an attempt to look like Rhianna. Weirdly enough, it didn't work, but for the time being I'll just compensate with big earrings and sunglasses. That's what the Olsen Twins do, and it seems to be working for them.


Beth said...

You know, its funny as I drove home I thought about how silly everyone different than our put-together Sundays. It was fun, and you weren't on the 'sidelines' as much as you make it out to sound :D

The Parsons' blog said...

OK, that was a funny read. I especially liked the 'no drum playing, hymn singing midst' line. I can relate - and no, that's not to say I'm the artsy free spirit in our church ;). I'm not a karaoke fan, I'm too meek and mild for that. I think I'd need a lot of courage in the form of liquid to even attempt it! J/K...kinda.

Sandhya said...

When I read the title of your post I was like, "there's NO way in the world Chris would ever go up and sing in front of anyone!" and then I read on and was reassured that you haven't changed that much from the good ol college days :)

Jen said...

I'm with you on the sidelines. Yay sidelines! PS - New haircut looks great - it's Rihanna-esque, without the abusive boyfriend vibe. Is it too soon to joke about that?

Unknown said...

Oh to have been a fly on the wall!