Sunday, February 20, 2011

That's Entertainment

Friday was show day! Friday morning the 1st graders hosted Friday chapel at their school and did a presentation celebrating God's creation. Lorelei may have been the flower in the play, but she was the "star" in my eyes. Listening to sweet voices singing worshipful songs and reciting verses from Genesis was cuter than I could have imagined. I loved every minute of it!

Then that evening we went to a local production of Oliver, which starred some of my homeschooled students. I wasn't sure how my kids would do for a 3 hour play, but they loved it! Well, Morgie fell asleep half way through, but they've been youtubing song selections from the play ever since. I have a soft spot in my heart for musicals because my mom made us watch a bunch of them when we were kids. Occasionally, I have the urge to break out into song when I'm talking to someone, but as of yet, I've restrained myself.

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