Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dan's Birthday

So yesterday was the big 39 for Dan, and I just had a few friends over for cake and coffee.  Thought I'd save up all my big party ideas for next year when he turns 40 ---- ahh youth, so fleeting.  Anyway, we had fun, Auntie Bethie drove out, Kat & Chet our neighbors came, Denny and Rebecca, and the Stimer clan.  It was fun, and most importantly I am currently typing out this blog on our new computer which was Dan's birthday present.  The screen is massive.  I don't really get why, but hey Dan's happy with it, and I probably won't see him much for the next few weeks because he'll be fiddling around with this thing.  Meanwhile, I think I'm going to eat some carrot cake for breakfast, turns out a lot of people don't like carrot cake, so it looks like we'll have leftovers for days... 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he's 39?!?!?!?!?!