Monday, March 23, 2009

Isn't it Ironic?

To borrow the phrase from the once angry and angst-ridden Alanis Morisette; Isn't it ironic?

1. To have a father who's a dentist, yet be plagued by cavities and root canals
2. To have a daughter who's inherited those super bad teeth and needs 2 root canals, but refuses to sit still for Grandpa who would charge us NOTHING to fix her teeth.
3. To have to go to a children's dentist who uses special "juice" to sedate the kids and to have to pay out of pocket because why would the daughter of a dentist ever need dental insurance?
4. To set the goal that I would not put anything on the credit card for a long, long time, and then to be given a sheet that estimates $2000 worth of dental work on your not even 6 year old child
5. To walk out of the dental office with a bill in your hand and a smile on your face? Why the smile? Oh, just thinking about all the fun things I'd love to do with an extra 2 grand in my pocket... and hoping that by smiling, I refrain from turning into John McEnroe in front of a bunch of strangers.

"A little too ironic? Yeah, I really do think....."


Unknown said...

wow. You couldn't make that up if you tried.

Jen said...

Poor Lorelei - she's going to hear about that 2 grand when it's time to buy a prom dress.
Don't feel bad - I hate going to the anesthesiologist.

Sandhya said...

WHat a bummer!!! Can't grandpa MDC give her the same juice? That is a sad way to say good-bye to two grand....sorry!

Rachel said...
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Colleen said...

oh Christina- I'm laughing and crying (ok not literally) along with you b/c we got hit so hard last year with med bills. ugh. You're keeping your beautiful Lorelei healthy and happy- can't beat that? :D. I loved your previous post too... we read those same books and love them!