Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Father, the Hero

Well, my dad was my hero already, but he's proved his superman status yet again in my eyes by saving me $2000 dollars and another 2 weeks dealing with an achey firstborn.  When he heard that the children's dentist was going to charge us more than my monthly mortgage payment to do Lorelei's teeth, he insisted he could do it.  The other issue was the local dentist here couldn't even get us into an appt. until April 13th and Lorelei was crying every day, she couldn't even make it through her gymnastics lesson this week, she kept grabbing her cheek, and finally just ran over to me, unable to stand it any more.   It was so sad.  SOOO my dad said, he'd try to get the demarol which is what the kid's place uses to sedate their wiggly patients.  We made the trip to Visalia late Thurs. night, but when we got there, Dad said, he did some research, and there was no way he'd use demarol on her.  He said it slows their heart rate down a lot, and is kind of risky, so forget it.  Lorelei had to do it the grown up with only the shots of novacaine and daddy holding her down basically.

Needless to say, I couldn't even take the stress of it all, so Dan, my dad, and Lorelei went to the office without me.  I stayed back with mom and the other kiddos and prayed.  In all, Dan said, it wasn't easy, it wasn't fun, and by the time 2 root canals were over, if anyone needed sedating it was him and my dad.  In all I'm just grateful, she's feeling better, and now I won't have to start collecting my neighbors' cans out of their recycle bins for spare change.


Devin said...

Praise God for the men who use their strength to do good, literally! Dan and your dad deserve a medal. And I'm so thankful that Lorelei didn't have to take demerol and that you two were spared the massive bill!

Sandhya said...

Yeah Grandpa MDC! Poor Lorelei! Is she feeling better now? I just had one of those nasty root canals and I don't think I have EVER had so much pain after! Hopefully, she feels great and is back to her happy self.

AmyLeite said...

Thank you for the update! I had 3 root canals when I was 9 with novacaine. I can't imagine going through that at Lorelei's age! Wow, Lord willing those are the last root canals she'll need to have forever.

Unknown said...

I love a happy ending :-)