Friday, May 21, 2010

Open House

This is Lorelei's big week. Open house at school last night, grandparents day today..... My mom made her the dress she wore, thanks mom! And Dan's parents drove until 1am to get here in time to take Lorelei to "Grandparent's Day" at school. Wow, my kids should feel so loved! I love that Lorelei is at that sweet age still where she thinks Open house and grandmas and the dollar section at Target are all SOOOO COOOL! I guess I need to enjoy these moments. Of course, the realist in me kept thinking last night, someday I'll have to visit all 3 of their classrooms in one night. That thought made me tired.


D Family of 3 said...

Just wanted to say that you are an amazing Mom! You always look wonderful and I'm wondering why with one little boy I feel like I have accomplished the greatest feat ever when I get my make up on and hair done. Thanks for your example! Greta

Lucia Leaman said...

We really enjoyed grandparents day.Thank you so much for putting up with us.We had a great time,Grandma