So it's here at last... September: the mad rush for back to school supplies, the blaring alarm clocks, the stocking up of snack foods for lunch boxes, and lots and lots of VAN time as I maneuver my way across town for drop offs and pick ups and later pick ups.
With it all brings mixed emotions. I am somewhat of a creature of habit, so I welcome the idea of a predictable routine, but I'm surprised at how tiring it to get back in to. I'm amazed that Lorelei is in "big kid" 1st grade now, and has homework, and is acting like she's soooo old now. She said the other day, "I saw the kindergartners pass by mom, and they were sooo cute," as if she's so much older than them.
Meanwhile, I'm thrilled for my younger three as they are still in preschool basically, pre-k for the twins and a younger class of 3 year olds for Morgan. Their teachers are so nurturing and "huggy," I'm amazed at their willingness to love on and embrace all these little guys. I mean it's one thing to think your own kiddos are cute, but these ladies actually like all these kids. They are their own unique breed of people, and they should all get extra jewels on their crown someday!
As for me, I'll stick to teaching junior high and high school. You think three year olds are cute? There's nothing cuter than 4 foot tall 12 year old boys sitting next to 12 year old girls that are 5 foot 7 and look 5 years older than them. I love the awkwardness of adolescents, they're all right on the brink of beautiful, but they've still got a few things they need to figure out, and they're still not too cool to laugh at my jokes. What could be better?
Okay, you just made me this close to liking jr. highers. Oops, nope, the feeling passed. ;)
I think it's so neat to see people who are so enthralled with each of the different ages. I think I would tend to fall right in between the girls' teachers and you.
Congrats on starting a new year and I hope you have a great time grading 4 zillion essays this year. It was somewhere around that number, right? ;)
I can't believe it!! I wish I could go back for just one day when they were all babies. I'll even take the poopy diapers
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