Monday, July 9, 2012

Crop It!

 I've had short hair off & on over the years, but at the beginning of June, I took the plunge & really hacked it off for the summer.   In my mind I wanted to look like one of the ladies up above.  But one must realize, they have professional make up artists, thousands of dollars worth of cosmetics, oh, and they've never had 4 kids, and don't have naturally dark circles under their eyes that they inherited from their dad.  (Thanks Dad).  So as much as I wanted to channel Halle,  sometimes with my short hair, I feel more like I look like an 18 year old boy, maybe even this one:
Here are some of my observations about sporting a pixie cut:

      1. Men pretty much hate it. This is okay because 15 years into marriage, I'm not really trying to attract the box out boys at the grocery store or the crossing guards at the intersections.  And fortunately for me, my husband kind of likes it, because he's a little bit rebellious, and it bugs him that everyone thinks girls have to have long locks to be beautiful.

    2. Women over 60 love my short hair!  Older women always come up to me and tell me how adorable my hair is.  I'm not sure how I feel about this actually.  See here I am looking confused.

    3. It fits my laziness, because it requires pretty much nothing every morning, & I love that.

    4. It does require full make up & feminine colors because sometimes, you feel a little butch.  Thank goodness neon pink is this summer's hot color.  See, here I am wearing pink. 

   5. In short, it's growing on me.... no really it's growing on me.



Michelle said...

You are so cute! Andrew and I think you look like the cute French girl in the movie " The Artist" have you seen it?

Kristal said...

how in the world do you do it. you can pull off anything! so cute.