Monday, July 2, 2012

Gym Anyone?

My motto in life regarding physical exertion began in high school when my mom bought me a black t shirt that said, "I get enough exercise just pushing my luck."  From that point on I did everything I could not to sweat, not to exert myself beyond extending my arm from the bag of chips to my mouth.  But alas, those days are fading.... because my metabolism is no longer that of a 16 year old youth, and those 4 children that were ripped from my abdomen have left me with loose skin, and chub where once there were only bones. 

And so because I'm incredibly vain, I've realized I must succumb to the daily grind of painful workout DVDs, where Jillian Michaels yells at me, Brooke Burke shows off her ridiculous perfection, and Bob Harper loses count as I try to pull the kettle ball over my head one last time. 

So here's today's inspiration to get me out of bed:

Dara Torres, age 45, went up against little girls that could be her daughters.... and she qualified, yet again for the olympics.   So if this 45 year old chick, could do that, then this 36 year old better be able to do a half an hour DVD. 

(Disclaimer: Though I was motivated today, I will probably be disgusted by this post tomorrow, will skip my workout, and will take the girls to go get doughnuts - As the ancient Greeks once said: "Know thyself"). 


Unknown said...

I too was convicted/motivated by Dara but then wasn't there some speculation about her using testosterone a few years back? This is my rationalization/excuse. You're welcome.

stephanie said...

totally let me know what time you get doughnuts. i'll meet you there.