Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to Preschool

So I guess it's safe to say photography is not one of my strengths. I think it's because I'm so impatient, I can't even stand still long enough to take a proper first day of preschool picture. That could also be due to the fact that as I'm dropping them off my 2 year old was running into the classroom (like she owned the place) trying to grab name tags and ink markers. She just wants to do whatever those big sisters of hers are doing. I quickly grabbed her, made excuses to the other moms about why she was only wearing one shoe, and fled back to the safety of my van.

Enjoy the blurry images of Maylin & Noelle who finally look a little bit like twins now that they have similar hair cuts. They're big 4 year olds now.... yay, only 14 years left before I get to start charging them rent.


The Parsons' blog said...

Even when blurry they are cute! Funny, I have an almost 2 year old girl that thinks she owns the place too. :) Must be the last child thing or something.

Sandhya said...

They are adorable! I love Maylin's hair cut short like Noelle's. Have a fun school year! How is Lorelei liking school?

Sara said...

Laughing at the blurry pictures. I actually just erased all the pictures of Ada's first bath because I wasn't happy with the quality. What kind of mother does that? :) I don't know if you got it, but I left a comment about "Maisy" on my post and I do remember Scott. He had an adorable little Sophie, right? Sophie and Ruby and are there more??

Haberly said...

Wow, I didn't even recognize Maylyn. She look so different for some reason... I don't think it was the blur either!