Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grumbling Much?

This morning I read a verse that I've read or heard probably hundreds of times: Do all things without grumbling or disputing. (Phil. 2:14) Many times when I read something I've read before I just barely mentally acknowledge it and skim ahead to the next point. However, today, I just kept thinking about it. It's written as an imperative (a command) and there's no except type clauses added to it. Do all things without grumbling (unless you have a crummy job) (unless your kid throws up in the hallway and you have to clean it up) (unless you forgot gas and are going to be late to your doctor's appointment) (unless it's kind of funny when read in blog format, and you feel like venting because you have 4 kids that are really noisy, you're out of magic erasers and there's crayon on the wall, and you woke up this morning with hair that resembles a Tina Turner wig from the 80s..........)


Needless to say, I have to work on it.


Coleson & Tate said...

agh, dont we all!! (need to work on it!) Thanks for the reminder :)

stephanie said...

you and me both, sister. you and me both...