Monday, November 1, 2010

Let the Candy-Eating Begin!

That's right... embrace the cuteness. Thank you mom for making Beth that adorable Heidi-esque dress for Bethie (my sister) back in the 80s, and thank you for actually keeping it, so that we could put Morgan in it and re-enact The Sound of Music. And yes, this year you truly outdid yourself by making Lorelei's doll a matching costume. I so enjoyed pushing the stroller around the block as we went trick or treating, you know the stroller for the doll! I didn't want to push and force you to make the twins costumes too, so for that we must thank Target. Kitty cat ears seemed genius to me because I thought, wow, cheap and simple, and then when the bunny ears concept fell through for Noelle at the last minute, we bought the least plastic looking costume we could find for Noelle. It was labeled Snow Princess and she was loving it, so we all lived happily ever after.

Well, sort of. I actually have a stomach ache right now, because even though I enforced the only 2 candies today rule for the kids, I found myself repeatedly sneaking into the kitchen for just one more itty bitty Twix. They seemed so small, so bite size, but apparently when you eat bite size candies ALL DAY, they end up sort of stomach size. And I wonder why my kids lack self-control.


Sara said...


Christina, so that pic of all the girls together. STUNNING. Seriously. In fact, if it wasn't so weird, I'd say it should be your Christmas card. ;)

But honestly, I'll pray for you. I don't know how you stay humble with all that beauty in your home. :)

Coleson & Tate said...

beauties you have!

and I have the same candy issues. oops.

Unknown said...

I like the white costume! It doesn't look like a last minute job.