Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Recap

This weekend was near perfect! Dan and I went on an actual date (babysitters and everything) on Friday night, Saturday I organized my closet, Sunday we went to church, and Monday we did what every good American does on Memorial Day, we participated in a big ole barbecue (and we even fit in a beach trip in between all that).

What is really funny is that in the midst of all of that, the absolute highlight for me was cleaning out my closet. I keep all of my paperwork for teaching in a file cabinet in my room, and by the end of the school year, the combination of photos, school stuff, and clothes creates the perfect storm of chaos in my room/closet. A bedroom can be closed off to the world and hidden from view. But now that school's almost out, and most of my classes are over, I finally had the time to purge through the piles, and I've gotta tell you, it's a weight off my shoulders! It may seem cliche but that kind of disorder is truly stressful and indeed a the state of your home can be a metaphor for the state of your life at times. But shhh, don't tell Dan that, I've been telling him all school year, that the clutter on my desk is fine, and that he shouldn't get so bothered by it!

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