Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm the type of girl that sort of uses the whole, "I'm a girl" thing to get away with not knowing how to do certain things. For example: check my oil, put air in the tires, bring the trash cans in.... But here's the thing, sometimes Dan goes to work, and things fall on me. So this morning as I stood with a toilet plunger in one hand, the lid of the toilet thing on the floor, and I found myself screaming "Lorelei, get me my cell phone," and she was screaming back, "I can't find it," and my eyes were wide with horror as the water and some other things were threatening to overflow, I thought to myself, I know there's a switch somewhere, I know there's a way to make it stop......"

In the midst of all that, I thought, hmm, maybe I should add this to my Things To Teach My Kids list; How to stop the water when it begins to overflow because you have 4 children who like to fill the toilet with toilet paper that they haven't actually bothered to use. Ahhh, there it is again, irony. And here all this time, I thought it was just a literary device.


Unknown said...

I adore that last sentence.

My dad wouldn't let us get our licenses until we could change a tire by ourselves. Unfortunately we ridiculed him endlessly during the lesson, perfecting our technique for flagging down truckers who might like to help young ladies with their cars. :-D

AmyLeite said...

You are not alone, Christina! I've been there...the horror that fills you when the plunger isn't working and the water starts to flow over onto the floor. Hang in there! You can do it!!! (Didn't you mention "girl power" in another blog?) :)

Unknown said...

hahahahahaa .... fantastic imagery!