Monday, April 6, 2009


The above initials stands for Things to Teach my Kids.  Sometimes, I find myself going through my routine:  okay, made 3 half peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and one ham & cheese - check, cleaned crayon off the table - check,  yelled at kids to share their polly pockets - check.  Then suddenly the day is over, and I'm like did I teach them anything today?    I know some moms are really good at that, teaching their kids things, ironically, I am not.  Yep, I know I'm a teacher, but there's a paycheck involved in that portion of my life, so that's entirely different.

Anyway, sometimes things come up and I'm like, oh I so want to teach my kids that, these are things beyond the basics of education and the central points of the gospel and the bible.  These are the extras, you know like how to properly apply blush without looking like a clown.   I figured as these things come to me, I'd add them to my blog list.  Here's my first TTTMK, that came to me whilst watching everyone's favorite reality show. (You should all start your own lists by the way).

1. If you're ever on American Idol, Be a Gracious Loser.  (Hopefully, this will apply to other areas of their life, as well).  Last week, super pretty chick Megan Joy (not my favorite because she's recently divorced with a kid, and said, "marriage just wasn't what I thought it would be." Oh don't make me write an entire blog on that sister, because you won't like what I have to say).  Anyway, she got the boot on Wednesday, and when she received the news, she was like, "I don't care," and gave off this very foolish and flippant vibe that made me want to send her to her room.  That night I thought, man, I hope my girls grow up to be the type of girls that would simply say, "Thank you Simon for this opportunity, thank you America for allowing me to even get this far, and Paula, if you ever want to come to church with me, I'll happily give you a ride there...."  I mean is that too much to ask?  

So yeah, TTTMK, be a gracious loser, if not on American Idol, at least in the 4th grade spelling bee.  Nobody likes a poor sport. 


Unknown said...

amen and amen.

Unknown said...

1st off-I love the acronymn
2nd-love the idea and that you started a list!
3rd-just curious as to why only Paula got the invite to church

Coleson & Tate said...

I agree! i thought the same thing...what a brat!! good idea and good thing to teach!

stephanie said...

thanks. its nice to know i'm not the only one who yells at my kids.

i mean, i still feel guilty about it and all, but just not so alone anymore :)