Monday, December 6, 2010

A Lesson From Scrooge

I have 4 neighbor girls in my neighborhood that live but a stone's throw away from me. I know, I know I'm very lucky to have friends that live so close by. But here's the deal, they're all younger than me, they all have fewer kids than me, and for whatever reason, they're all much perkier, cheerier, happier, more fun-loving type of folk than I happen to be. They all like to make crafty-craft things, or do other people's hair, or of all things run around the block together. I try to avoid all of these types of activities, because I like sit and sulk in my house about how many kids I have, and make fun of them for being hopelessly optimistic about life and love and cuteness for cuteness-sake.

So it should have come as no surprise to me that they had some type of festive fun for the holidays for me to begrudgingly be a part of. Sure enough, they suggested we do Secret Santas this year. You know, we pick names and anonymously drop off gifts on each others' porches and mailboxes, etc. I attempted to refuse, and complained loudly that I have SOOOOO much going on right now, and this will be just one more thing on my "to-do" list, and they made me do it anyway.

I was determined to be a scrooge about it, until this morning when I opened my front door and saw the coca-cola in a bottle pictured above, and guess what........

It made me SO HAPPY!

One little bottle of soda is really all it takes to thoroughly make my day. So thank you Secret Santa, whoever you are, and thank you to all my perky, happy little neighbor girls that love rain drops and Santa Clause and twinkle lights..... thank goodness there are freaks like you guys in the world, because if everyone was a Scrooge like me, there'd be no Disneyland, no ridiculous movies starring Reese Witherspoon, and there'd certainly be no such thing as Secret Santas.


Beth said...

This 'freak' is happy your happy :D

Kathy Day said...

This made me laugh out loud. Also, your family is so beautiful! We love the pics. :)

Hope you are well! Thought of you and Dan because "our" little private school (the one our church helped establish) beat Tacoma Baptist in the semifinals for soccer in a nail-biting shootout. :)

Sarah said...

You're my favorite Scrooge... and there is nothing wrong with living in a dream world bubble... and nothing wrong with laughing at those who do!=) Besides, I've seen your home during the holidays... girl you're only wearing a scrooge nightcap.... you're not the real deal! Thank you for my soda the other night!!! We might need Coke T shirts...

AmyLeite said...

Even though I'm a die hard Pepsi fanatic and thoroughly anti-Coke, I deigned to read your blog post and it was hilarious! I agree with the freaks except about Santa Claus, my kids will never grace the lap of a mall Santa! Guess that makes me a semi-freak who loves the twinkle lights and rain drops! :) Keep up the hilarious posts, dear friend.

LelaatCocaCola said...

Hey, I'm Lela from Coca-Cola! I loved your post. So glad your neighbor made your day with bottle of Coca-Cola! We hope you and your family (and neighbors) have a fantastic holiday.

Ashley Kostjuk said...

You guys are so cute. You are so in trouble with these girls. They are beautiful. I need you to email me your address ~ we have a Christmas card for you.