Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ode to Our Photographer

When it comes to taking pictures, I'm totally lame.
My kids faces turn out blurry, & unfocused, it's really such a shame.
Thank goodness I have neighbors who have an artist's eye.
When they take our family photos, I almost want to cry!
They have a way of making us look better than we actually look in real life.
They have the patience to put up with our whining while we pose and give them strife.
With Christmas cards coming soon, I suggest you give them a call.
They're bound to make you look good, way better than the mall!

& yep, they took the photo I used as the heading for the blog, I got so many comments on
that photo, I wanted to give the Herveys a shout out! Seriously, they're great, check them


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, as always! I'll be looking for mine in the mail ;-)

The Parsons' blog said...

Loved this post! Hi, it's me, I haven't commented in awhile. It doesn't mean I don't read your blog. Just saying. Beautiful photos of your adorable family. Nice work Kat... and Chet, too. :)

Coleson & Tate said...

Oh man, you have some heartbreakers!! Darling. Good job photog.!

Michelle said...

So sweet! Your hair is adorable by the way! Wish I could pull off that style :)

P.S. I actually broke Leah's nose on accident when I was about 5 :) I think we learn gentleness over time and I better keep my eye on sweet big brother!

Jen said...

Great pictures! I want a super cool neighbor, too! Um, do you all want to move to nc? (Bethie has to come, too).
Seriously, you all look amazing.