Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kids, not Babies

This summer, my four girls will turn 5, 7, 7, & 9 years old!  That means, I'm officially the mom of four "kids," not babies, not toddlers, not preschoolers, KIDS.

Here's what I'm discovering:

The GOOD: They all washed their own hair today!  I could have cried.  This newfound independence frees me up A LOT.  They can shower on their own, go to the bathroom on their own, wake up & go to sleep on their own.  This is AWESOME.

The BAD: They all can spell or sort of sound things out now.  This means Dan and I can no longer spell things out in front of them, and we really have to mind our P's and Q's.  Anything we say may be repeated by them to others, or will be comprehended by them.... Scary!  I miss the freedom of babbling on in front of them, knowing they still couldn't speak!

The GOOD/BAD: They are forming their own opinions.  This is sort of fun as I figure out their individual personalities more and more, but this is sort of bad, especially when their opinions differ from my own.  What  do you mean my outfit doesn't look good?  Why don't you love that book I gave you?  I loved it.  You're supposed to think all of my ideas are AMAZING.  Come on....

The GOOD: They're still not toooo big to need mom:  In the car today, one said something about pirates.  Another responded, "Pirates are real you know, right mom, there are such thing as pirates?"

"Yep, there are real pirates in the world."

"Well then, are mermaids real too?"

"Mermaids? Um, no, no mermaids."

Yeah, they're getting older, but it looks like they still need me around for a few years to come!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

The day I found out mermaids weren't real was such a sad day for me. It was in Albertson's on Las Posas in Camarillo. That's how traumatizing it was... I remember where it happened. Haha.

What are your girls' favorite books? Have they read Ballet Shoes?