Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Poor People"

Yesterday, we spent a few hours in the the girls' bedroom doing a little "beginning of summer clean up."  This involved making a few different piles.... some clothes that are too small and can be given away, some stuff that just needed to be thrown out, and a bag of toys that we could drop at goodwill.  Sometimes the girls are a little reluctant to get rid of their things, and so I went through the whole explanation of what the purpose of the goodwill store was, and helping kids less fortunate, etc.  But it wasn't until today when I loaded one of the bags into the trunk of the car that I saw that one of my girls had labeled the bag, "poor people."

Um, I think I'll switch bags before I make my drop off.

Note to self: Our next mother daughter conversation will be defining and explaining the word "tact."

1 comment:

Edwards Family said...

Haha. Awesome. I hope we weren't the "poor people" she was referring to!