Friday, December 5, 2008


So I just went to drop Lorelei off at kindergarten, which is always a bit of a mad rush, because I have to unload the other 3 to sign her in.  So I see my friend Cortney Stimer (our kids are in the same class) and say hi, and she says to me, "Now I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the new style or what, but did you know your shirt is inside out?"

Hmm. I didn't actually, and in 2 hours, about 20 toddlers will be arriving at my house for a birthday party for Jesus. 

In the words of Alexander, I think I'm going to move to Australia.


Unknown said...


AmyLeite said...

I've been there Christina. I had the same thing pointed out to me at a FCC baby shower! Worse than that, though, was when I was at the grocery store last week and an older lady came up to me and said, "Your fly is open". I was so embarrassed! Then to add insult to injury she said, "I've never had to tell a woman that"...lovely.

Coleson & Tate said...

i havent checked your blog in forever...i am pregnant (finally!) and soooo sick! ick. Havent done much lately...but! I just checked and got caught up....and have to say I LOVE the tutu's for the Christmas pic!!! Note to that if you have girls!! I love it!