Saturday, June 6, 2009

June Birthdays

Hello Pink Party.... We decided to have a pink party for Lorelei's 6th bday last night.  It was a hit, except for the Twister game idea.  It turns out participants need to know the difference between their right and their left for that game.  Oh and Lorelei got a bike with no training wheels and she's riding it like a pro.  I'm so proud.


Leaman said...

You are amazing!!

stephanie said...

ummm... hey. if we move out there, can i hire you for party planning? that party looks fantastic. :)

happy birthday Lorelei!

SomisSurferGirl said...

I was so proud when I looked out the window and saw Lor riding her bike like an absolute champ! I'm so stoked!

Jen said...

Pink party looks great! I refuse to believe, however, that Lorelei is 6. It's impossible, as you still look 18.