Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Entertainment

Summer's here and the girls decided to create some sort of pillow/stuffed animal/crazy train throughout the hallway yesterday. After taking a picture of them, I plopped down on the pillows with them, and they got all excited. Noelle said, "Mom, are you going to play with us?" and Lorelei said, "yeah mom, you can pretend to be the mom!"

Hmmm... it's a stretch, but I think I can do it.


DTMLMN said...

Hey I have been reading your blog for years now and you sure like to put up pictures of your kids and stuff but how about the stud of a husband of yours? Whats up with that? hehe. Brazil vs usa tonight!!

DTMLMN said...

I guess I was jumping the gun there. I thought today was thursday. you know how long summer days can be confusing.

Edwards Family said...

Well at least they didn't ask you to pretend to be the dog or something. I do think it's funny they asked you to "pretend" to be the mom; what do they think you do all day, watch Regis and Kelly? Don't worry, I think my daughter will be able to sing the theme song to Ellen soon, I'm not sure which is worse!