L is for Lights, we drive through Gemini street each year, the local neighborhood that decks out each house with lights and cartoon character themes. Instead of being grateful for the experience, now the girls just complain about the single string of lights Dan hung that go across the trim of our roof. They all say, "Dad, Dad.... our lights are the worst ones on the street, we need a nativity scene on our roof, we need a sled hanging over our driveway, Daddy, please..... build us an ice rink in our front yard....."
M is for Making Cookies for Darla's annual cookie exchange. Every year, I slave over making 72 cookies of some sort, well, not every year, sometimes I get my sister to do it for me! And every year it's worth it because seriously, I LOVE COOKIES, and because I'm so self-sacrificing, I hide all the good ones in the freezer for a rainy day (for myself people, I don't waste the good stuff on the kids).
N is for Neighbors, Christmas is a great chance to spread some Christmas cheer to the neighbors you don't usually see or talk to and bring them some cookies or a card.
O is for Open your gifts with low expectations that way you're not disappointed when you see that your student gave you yet another apple shaped ornament that says #1 teacher on it in shiny letters when all you really wanted was.... well, anything but that.
More later....
UM. in case you didnt know....your girls are looking grown up and gorgeous.
just say'n...you got 4...I got three (so far) (of the opposite gender) I think we could work something out. ;)
oh, your blog brings me so much joy.
(and also wonderful justification for why i also hide the best goodies from my kids to keep them all for myself...)
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