Sunday, January 4, 2009

Who Doesn't Like Flannel?

So I know that some of you out there have husbands that are fussy about the way you do your hair or what types of clothes you wear or maybe how fit and fab you are, but my husband is extremely laid back.  He never really cares about what I'm wearing or whether or not I have on make up or if I cut my hair super short or grow it out long.  He's just really, really chill so to speak, which I love.  His attitude towards outward appearances has (believe it or not) helped me to relax over the years about trying to look just so.  But maybe, just maybe now that we've been married 12 years (next week's our anniversary), maybe I've relaxed a little too much.  Because I just made an astonishing discovery.  There is something that I wear that my husband HATES, and I wear them OFTEN, they are my super comfy flannel PJ bottoms.
Now in addition to being laid back, Dan is pretty quiet about his opinions, this is probably a form of self-preservation that's evolved in him over the years since I tend to be overly-opinionated and defensive with him, and have been known to at times, over react if he even suggests he doesn't like something I purchased or am excited about.  (EX: Dan says, "I don't know I kind of think that paint swatch looks similar to the neighbors" Me responding, "WHAT do you mean?  I love that color, How could you not like that color, we've been talking about that color for months, you never like anything I like, I can't believe you don't like it.....)  My point in explaining this is this, he didn't initially come out and tell me he didn't like my flannel PJs.  He made a couple comments at different moments that made me put two and two together.  The last one was this, I had tried on a new shirt the other day and asked him if he liked it.  He said it was hard to tell while I was wearing "those pants."  Then he made some other quiet comment about them, and I suddenly had the epiphany that he hated my PJs.  When confronted, he admitted that yep, it was true, he really, really hated my PJs. 

So fellow moms, what's the lesson here?  Only this, that even the most laid back, super non shallow of men really don't appreciate frumpiness.  So even though, I have days where I pretty much stay home ALL day, and even though I like to wear my PJ bottoms while I'm cleaning the house, I resolve in the new year to upgrade to at least presentable, can be worn in public sweat pants because seriously the guy hasn't asked much of me over the years, it's the least I can I do. So Happy Anniversary babe, 12 years down, many more to go, and I promise not to invest in any more pairs of flannel PJs.  Love you.


Beth said...

lol...Happy Anniversary!!!

Devin said...

Love it. Thanks for the comic relieve. Guess I should go get out of my bathrobe!

Chet said...

Probably the best post I have ever read. Tell Daniel I love him.

stephanie said...

hmmmm... looks like i need to do some serious shopping.

Kerry said...

LOL..this is me and my life right now...only mine are the lovely maternity flannel pj pants! He has nightmares about them...probably bc I keep coming to bed in them! Yeah... I am going to try and trade in my frumpiness for the year!

Colleen said...

haha! I love you Christina... hope you have success with the perfect cute/relaxing pants ever ;)

Sara said...

Hilarious. This is so Larry. He's so laid back about stuff like that but then will all of a sudden have a random opinion about something that I think is ridiculous. Of course, I have lots of opinions about his wardrobe and make sure he's well aware!